K9 Centre
Clicktrain is a family
run local business
John and Sheilagh Goodwin have been married 17 years. Sheilagh has been a dog trainer for over 30 years and John started training 6 years ago. Together they opened the Centre June 2018. Paul their eldest son started helping in classes and day care in 2021 and Mark their youngest started showing an interest in Summer 2022. Both boys would eventually like to run their own Centres.

John Goodwin

Sheilagh Goodwin

Paul Goodwin
Mark Goodwin
John Goodwin
​Director, Centre Manager,
Dog Training Instructor

John has been training with Sheilagh since August 2017 and has been adding to his knowledge by attending various courses over the past couple of years. As well as being involved in classes, daycare and dog walking he is also a Director of the K9 Centre and in charge of the shop and money side of things.
​He has a current canine first aid certificate and have attended IMDT courses on Happy Recallers to teach people to train their dog to come back when called, Happy Loose Leaders on getting dogs to walk nicely on a loose lead and the IMDT 2 day course on Career as a Dog Trainer. Currently in classes at the Centre as a Trainee Trainer and hopes to qualify as a Dog Trainer in Autumn 2019 after doing the IMDT 4 day course and taking their member Assessment. He is enjoying it all so has not yet decided which area to specialise in.
​He is also an Independent Baptist minister and runs a small Church He was on the committee of Falkirk Autistic Bairns for several years and their Chairman for one year and was also on the committee and assisted running the Friday night youth club in the Archibald Russell Centre in Dennyloanhead.
Sheilagh Goodwin
​Director, Head Trainer
and Behaviour Consultant

Sheilagh Goodwin (nee Wilson) has been dog training since she was 9 years old and attended local classes with her cairn terrier Bobby. In her teens she trained her GSD Tweed and in the early 90s her two collies Zak and Itsy. One was a rescue with severe dog and people aggression and helping her got Sheilagh first studying behaviour as well as training. She is what is called a cross over trainer. The original club she trained at with all these dogs used old fashioned methods of pushing, pulling and yanking dogs on choke chains. She was trained up as a trainer at the club using these methods.
While studying training and behaviour with her collies she discovered motivational training and when she discovered clicker training in 1996 she never looked back. She parted company with that first club and started her own club teaching clicker training. From one hour one night a week when it started The club grew over 10 years to running 3 nights and one afternoon seeing up to 100 dogs a week for basic classes, fun classes and behavioural modification programmes. During this time she attended most of renowned dog behaviourist John Rogerson's 4 day courses covering teaching and training, puppy behaviour, behavioural issues and dog aggression. She attended a week long course with Sylvia Bishop who won Crufts obedience several times. She had a week with Roy Hunter and Terry Ryan looking at motivational ways to train and was assessed and accepted for membership of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers.
​She married in 2005 and closed the dog club as was starting a family. She did one to ones on occasion and ran classes to train a friend in 2015. Two years ago she became interested in assistance dog training and restarted her dog career. Along side the training worked for 25 years as a trained nurse so understands and enjoys the people side of assistance dog training as well as the dog side of it.
​The past year she has studied and passed the Institute of Modern Dog Training (IMDT) membership assessment being offered full membership after passing with 80% plus. She is also on the Kennel Club Accredited Trainer scheme and is working towards accreditation at the moment. She has attended various workshops and in April 2017 attended the School of Canine Sciences Superdog course and passed their assessment to be a Superdogs trainer for training rescue dogs in assistance dog tasks. She also only have a few modules to complete to qualify as a hearing dog trainer. She is also a volunteer trainer and assessor for Canine Generated Independence (CGI) as well as training her own dog with them as an assistance dog to help her when her fibromyalgia and other conditions flare up.
For the future she plans to run classes teaching both companion dog, fun classes and assistance dog training both classes and one to ones. She would also like to start a club for children with additional needs or emotional difficulties to work with their pets as therapy and in some cases going on to qualify as assistance dogs for them.
Paul Goodwin
​Management and Daycare
Supervisor Trainee

Paul has always loved dogs and has Gilbert his own pug. He enjoys helping in daycare and has an excellent knowledge of dog behaviour and body language. He is studying towards his level 2 in dog behaviour and welfare and plans on working through the levels to qualify as a behaviourist. He especially loves German Shepherds and wants to have his own in the future. He also helps out in puppy class on a Wednesday evening.
Mark Goodwin
​Playleader Trainee

Mark has a natural affinity and way with dogs. He enjoys playing with them and helps out with the daycare activities. He had his own pug, Trevor. He hasn't decided yet what area of the Canine world he would like to specialise in but he has plenty of time to decide.